
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

That crazy headache again

When I was younger, I'd have sneezing fits and headaches that would impair anyone's daily activity. I felt sick but I wouldn't have a fever. When I was in College, I realized that I'd have them if there's tropical depression or monsoon rains. The headache would be gone in a flash once the heavy ... and I mean HEAVY rains started falling. Which is why I'd be happy it was raining while others would feel put out ... they're blue because they couldn't enjoy the outdoors, I'm chirpy because the freaking headache's gone.

Woke up this morning with a headache and backache. Felt like I'd be coming down with flu. Whatever it was I felt was gone when the heavy rains fell, so I headed to the office this afternoon to work "half-day" instead taking a whole day of sick leave.

After work, I decided to watch Underworld at Glorietta.

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