
Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Snake Cube

Rey's son Tryke has a new toy and Rey brought it to the office yesterday. It was similar to the rubik's cube but is not. Rey said Tryke was able to solve it but he can't. I think Dennis and a couple of other people in the office also tried to solve it but can't. Rey said he thinks I'm the one most likely to figure it out.


The toy is called a snake cube. It's 27 blocks of wood strung together which the player must twist and turn in order to make a 3 block cube (3x3x3). My first attempts within a span of about an hour (it was office break) were futile. Rey said I could bring it home.

Last night, upon arriving at the house, I spent another hour (could be two) with the snake cube but got frustrated and started playing Sims 2. I would fiddle with the toy when I had to wait for Sims 2 to finish saving or loading a lot. It was while I was absently fiddling with the snake that I finally arranged it to a cube.

Funny how a man's brain can sometimes think better when not so focused on the task.

After the thrill of realizing what I had just done, I pulled out the cubes into a snake again to see if I can repeat it ... had no problem rearranging it back to a cube. Bummer that Rey lent it to me on a Friday ... so wanted to show him I solved it on the same day he gave it to me. It's not easy to prove that when there's a weekend in between the time he lent the toy to me and the time I bring it back to him.


Anonymous said...

Where can I buy snake cube in Manila?

Many thanks for your help!

Jing said...

My officemate bought it at National Bookstore.

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