
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Labahita ala Bacalao ala Vizcayna

One food I look forward to eating every Lenten season is what we at home simply refer to as "bacalao". Technically it is Bacalao ala Vizcayna, but since bacalao is either expensive or hard to find, we use daing na labahita. We use the recipe my father brought from his home province of Cavite.

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By jingfrey73, shot with DSC-W70

Spanish olive oil like Borges is the best to use when eating this: apart from cooking the fish and sauce with olive oil, we also pour a little olive oil on top before eating bacalao. I recommend Spanish olive oil because I have tried other kinds and they just don't have the right taste that will complement the dish - they are usually bland and I am used to strong flavored olive oil.

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