
Friday, June 20, 2008


When the dealing room folk voted to spend the Summer Outing Allowance to hold a BINGO, I wasn't in the conference room. I would have voted for Star City, even though going to a theme park sounds childish. I would find it more exciting than Bingo on any day. Anyway, I have no right to complain since I didn't even attend the meeting when they were voting.

Ergo, I was planning to skip Bingo on Friday night and forfeit benefitting from my summer outing share of the funds. I envisioned myself watching the Hulk movie instead. Boss Danny "jokingly" threatened Thursday to tie me up to my chair just so I stay...and take pictures. I got the hint... I brought my camera today. I think Boss Dan wasn't too keen on sitting through a Bingo session himself, and he sure as hell won't give others the benefit of escaping the event if he can't. Ha ha ha!

The event almost got postponed. It pushed through anyway. Rhoda donated some PLDT give-aways, which were the first prizes given out during the lunch session of Bingo. The cash prizes were given out during the evening session.

The funny thing is, for someone who wasn't looking forward to the game, I actually won a web cam during lunch:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

It was Rey who wanted the webcam, but he won a 1GB flash disk instead.

For the afternoon session, I also won PHP150. It was a PHP300 prize shared by me and Beth who both called "Bingo". I almost won another PHP300, or was it the PHP1,000? ... I only needed one number before calling out BINGO.

Boss Jun's luck was working even if he wasn't in the room. Jeng was playing his Bingo cards and won one of the cash prizes. There was a bit of controversy of people not around winning ... in my opinion, Jeng need not say it was Boss Jun's card that won ... it would have avoided controversy. No one would know the difference anyway.

It was almost 9PM when the game ended... getting out of the office building at that late hour is yet another reason I wanted to skip the event. Good thing I didn't miss the last shuttle trip out. I would have to ride a jeepney and pay a fare if I missed the shuttle service.

-----the Jus predicament----

If you watched the video up there, you'd notice two slides with Jus on the cellphone ... that's him talking to his kid who's currently touring Singapore. The story is, Jus ordered the kid to deliver bottles of sardines to Cristy in PNB Singapore, but did not tell the kid to who the sardines were for.

Cristy herself had no idea why Jus would give her sardines, but could not contact Jus for clarification. Assuming they were a gift (at this point, anyone who heard the story would comment: "Jus - give almost a dozen bottles of sardines as a gift? Nah!"), Cristy gave the stuff away to her officemates, even opening one for lunch.

Later in the day, Au called Cristy to ask if Jus delivered the sardines she ordered (and therefore will pay for). Major Uh-oh on Cristy's part. No more sardines left. Jus can't force Cristy or Au to pay because it was his fault to give incomplete instructions. Jus and Cristy were speaking on the phone for about 30 minutes just to sort it out.

Honestly, we all got a good laugh at hearing the story, although it really wasn't funny if you were Jus and lost some money. Jus managed to stay cool and even stayed for BINGO. That's when the jokes about Jus getting back his loss by hiking the prices of products he would sell to the Treasury folk started.

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