
Sunday, July 01, 2007

8 Random Things about Me

Rach asked if I would do the 8 random thing ... and obviously, I am doing it now. He he he! I don't know if there are rules, but here goes:
  1. I often fall asleep in front of the computer...which means I rarely sleep in my bed.
  2. I am addicted to playing Sims 2 but have been clean for the last three months (last time I played was March)
  3. I thought I was going to be a computer programmer (instead I'm using computers to trade currencies...close enough)
  4. I am allergic to the word "responsibility" because it means less fun ... in school, you'd either have to force me to become an officer or compel me to be the leader because no one else wants the responsibility (the reason behind the instances I actually was an officer or team leader ... actually maybe I just hate being leader because in College, I was not only the class rep, but was leader in every other class project - yeah, the projects had high grades, but I barely had time to do my own homework and that sucked)
  5. I would watch the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon if there is nothing else entertaining on cable.
  6. I would like to be able to write decent fiction (instead of writing manuals, hahaha!)
  7. I read Harry Potter fanfiction ... even the slash kind if they're funny.
  8. If an actor/actress I like has an official website, you'd probably find that I'm a member of the message board (I've signed up in a few fansites too).


Heart of Rachel said...

Thanks MJ for doing this meme. I heard raves about Sims but never tried it before. They say it's quite habit forming.

The word responsibility is an excuse to make me step backwards. haha!

I remember you telling me to join the message board of a certain guy in LOTR (forgot his name, pardon my poor memory). It was fun trying it for the first time.

Jing said...

The actor's name is Billy Boyd ... he was adorable as Pippin in the LOTR movie. The message board on his site was one of the friendliest places I've been in. Too bad it's gone now.

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