Leaving the tent and going back to work. Some people made the error of painting this house blue. Danny is painting over that with the right color. Tough way to paint. The Corporate Secretary surveying the work done so far. Vandals! Shoveling earth into sacks. Mirchelle giving away prizes to kids who can spell right. Hard words of the day: melancholy, facade, and bureaucracy. Eric came to fetch Jan who was down with food poisoning ... she already felt bad before coming to Sunshineville. Mirchelle switches to Math questions. I think Boss Mon is coaching some kids. Finishing the paint job. Painting the ceiling. Taking an ice cream break. Treating the Sunshineville kids to ice cream. The volunteers start going back to the tent. Mirchelle is persuaded to dance "Pearly Shells" with CorSec.
A group picture before leaving the site
The event should end at 5PM, but by 3:00PM, we had ran out of paint and most people were already idle. Everybody was free to go home by 3:30 PM.
Pasalubong from Sagada
Jon and his friends went to Sagada last Holy Wednesday and they came back
Black Saturday, passing through Baguio City on the way home.
He got me a wallet ...
3D videos in Youtube
Realized some Youtube videos can now be viewed in 3D mode. Good thing I
didn't throw away the 3D glasses that came with the MBLAQ CD, Blaqstyle 3D
Day out with Sam, Li-ling and Raffy
Since I need a gown for Sam and Raffy's wedding, Sam brought me to the same
shop where she had her gown made. It was a stall in 168 Mall in Divisoria.
We w...
My Heart is Rooted in the Philippines #MyAseanStory
I pretended to be strong the day they left me behind. I bravely put on a
smile and hugged each one of them as tight as I could. I fought the tears
that wer...
Ukulele On the Go
The ukulele has become quite a popular instrument especially among the
youth. It’s easier to learn compared to a guitar. The compact size of the
ukulele ma...
An Essence of a Woman
*More questions in the essence of a woman,**All answers aren't in the man;**Ridiculous
that it may seem to be,**Innovations for them to see.**All in a wo...
Teens come in all shapes, sizes, and colors with their own
likes (and dislikes). In the middle of this unique mélange of shapes...
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