
Sunday, July 22, 2007

PNB Anniversary

2007anniv 008 (Small)2007anniv 009 (Small)2007anniv 010 (Small)
The evening started with songs from two opera singers. Apparently, PNB has been touring Filipino opera singers to the Pinoy communities in Europe, and the night's guests agreed to sing at the anniversary to show their gratitude for PNB's support.
2007anniv 012 (Small)The classical mood switched to contemporary when the PNB dancers performed.
2007anniv 013 (Small)A number of us sat near the stage to take videos/photos.

The dance contest that followed pitted folks from different ranks:
Jong dancing with the other VPs:
2007anniv 015 (Small)2007anniv 015 (Small)
This group really spent on props:
2007anniv 004 (Small)
Es and Adie dancing with the other AMs/SAMs:
2007annivB 002 (Small)2007annivB 003 (Small)2007annivB 004 (Small)
2007annivB 006 (Small)2007annivB 009 (Small)2007annivB 010 (Small)
This group did the "Rico Mambo":
2007annivB 001 (Small)2007annivB 005 (Small)2007annivB 008 (Small)
2007annivB 011 (Small)2007annivB 012 (Small)
Ready for the big number?:
2007annivB 016 (Small)
Presenting the bank's senior management doing a dance number:
2007anniv 001 (Small)2007anniv 014 (Small)2007anniv 017 (Small)
2007anniv 018 (Small)2007anniv 019 (Small)
Judging who came in wearing the most "Hawaiaan-like" outfit (few people actually took the luau theme seriously):
2007anniv 020 (Small)
The band playing ... yup, 70s to early 80s music again:
2007annivC 001 (Small)
Jong and partner doing the swing:
2007annivC 002 (Small)
Waiting for the raffle draw to finish:
2007annivC 003 (Small)2007annivC 004 (Small)2007annivC 005 (Small)
Camera shy:
2007annivC 006 (Small)
Malu won a prize!:
2007annivC 007 (Small)
That's all, people ... Peace!
2007annivC 008 (Small)

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