
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bummed Out

I should really be reading Appendix 25 of BSP circular 594 right now. Don't feel like doing it just yet. Not sure how ready I'd be tomorrow at the discussion on the implications of the circular.

Funny that I have escaped being forced to be a lawyer only to often find myself face to face with regulations to be read and interpreted. Same thing goes with formulas. I was thinking "Good Luck!" to the people in the waiting lists who got my slots in Chem Eng (I passed every university entrance exam where Chem Eng was my choice). Math caught up with me 'cause I ended up modifying formulas for bond issues with special features and now looking up formulas for use in derivatives. Don't make me explain how I ended up writing office manuals either, since I have not done any writing for school publications and I actually didn't pay attention in Grammar class.

This week's episode of TARA just finished. No posts on TWOP yet. Yawn...

Don't feel like going to any Disney kid's forum. Was watching CNN earlier and one anchorwoman looked like Ashley Tisdale. The fact that my point of reference was Tisdale made me say out loud - within hearing range of Kai and Rey: "Oh my God, I'm watching too much of Disney channel."

My dad's radio is blaring loud again ... irritating. It's the latest of an evening of noise. Started at the ride home. A group of presumably college girls were yakking 3 or 4 rows in front of me and were still yakking while they were getting off the bus at the LAST stop. Two or three people sitting near me were listening to their music but I could hear the beat and hum despite their use of earphones. The bus TV was on. With all that noise, I had to put on my earphones and play my media player just to drown out the other sounds. I was rather wishing I had ear plugs.

-----edit Jan.25-----
The discussion on BSP Circular 594 was cancelled. Yippee?! He he he!

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