
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today's Dose of Randomness

Lunch at Legend restaurant with ICAP brokers Tomi, Malu, Gino and Amy.

Since the restaurant in near the office, we got there early and someone did some fooling around while we waited for the brokers:

He he he!

Back at the dealing room, we saw the marketing folk huddling in one area.

They finally got their own PDEX trading station and a tech guy from PDEX is showing them how to use it.

--------it's ms. turtle, dude----------

Jeng made this cute stuffed turtle. She hasn't decided what to call it yet. Menchie had the crazy suggestion of calling it JD ... Jeng's initials. Jeng naturally wasn't inclined to name it after herself.

What I keep nagging Jeng to make are the kids from South Park though. Problem is, I don't think she watches that cartoon show.

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