
Monday, August 18, 2008

Long Weekend


July 22, 2008: Why in the world was Jeng knitting in the dealing room?

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  • It's a slow trading day?
  • It's a stressful day and knitting calms her nerves?
  • It's okay because it's PNB's anniversary?
  • It's breaktime?
  • It's past 5PM?
  • She's on a "trading break"?
  • She wants me to take a picture of her that she can show her online knitting buddies?



August 21 marks the anniversary of Ninoy Aquino's assasination, which is why the nearest Monday, August 18, is a holiday.

Spent Saturday doing laundry and reading the first few SEC Rules in the reviewer. Since I bought a 120GB Buffalo ministation last Sunday, I gave one of my old 40GB mobile hard drives to Jon and told him to remove his files from the PC's hard drives. He spent Saturday and Sunday doing that... since it included recovering files from a hard drive that had its FAT (file allocation table) wiped out. I would probably start doing my own file recovery later today ... THEN FINALLY format the whole affected drive.

By Sunday (yesterday), I had gotten tired of reading the reviewer and decided to watch cable TV instead. Step Up's being shown again so I watched it. It is reminiscent of those 80s movies (Flashdance, mostly). Speaking of those 80s movies that borrowed from Flashdance, Cinema One was showing the 1984 flick "14 Gong Steady", and I can't help but note how pretty Nadia Montenegro was. The kid from Disney channel, Selena Gomez, reminds me of her.

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Selena Gomez
Nadia Montenegro

What do you think? I think Nadia was around 11 years old when she did "14 Going Steady". Too bad she got fat after settling down and having kids.

Anyway, the good thing about movies being shown in the daytime is that they're family oriented. My mom and I saw "Secret Garden" for the first time yesterday. It has a lovely story. This morning Star Movies showed "Flicka" ... a little known movie starring Alison Lohman (White Oleander) which is about a girl determined at taming a Mustang she named Flicka.

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