
Sunday, August 10, 2008


My boss told me to postpone my 5-day forced leave that should start tomorrow, but I told Jon that the plan to move the furniture from Manila to Laguna will push through ... which is why we were at the apartment at 9:00 this morning to meet the guys who agreed to lend their 14 feet truck.

The recent flash floods have actually ruined the boxes that held the china we had packed months ago... the bottom part of them anyway. We slowly turned the boxes upside down, and voila ... no need to repack the dishes.

Burglars, who figured they could get anything they want since no one lives in the burned apartment, have stolen the shower heads, faucets, the LPG tank, and even the light switches. Neighbors say the thieves tried to steal the water meter as well. One neighbor said he had gone in and saw that not everything was burned down... that he even had the temerity to go in makes him suspect.

We were done by 10:30 ... even though we had to work through rubble and broken glass. This made me realize how people who rob houses by putting everything in trucks could commit the crime in an hour or two.

We were supposed to get Lola Inang's wardrobe and the old sewing machine, but Tess wouldn't lend us the key to her room. She planned to catch up with us "later"... thinking it would take hours for us to finish the task. In the truck and on the way back to Laguna, Jon called Ma and told her to tell Tess, who was still at home, to not even bother to leave.

Unloading the truck and putting the furniture and boxes in the garage and terrace took less than an hour.

Ma and the rest had already eaten when we arrived, and there was no food left. I was not in the mood to stay put, so after Jon had finished installing the washing machine from Manila at the back, I told him we were eating out for lunch. We ended up eating a Yellow Cab pizza in Makati ... while watching the Mummy movie. I have seen the movie before, but since Jon hadn't and there wasn't any better movie showing, I didn't mind seeing it again.

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